Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kali ini akan mengulas mengenai Preposition. Kata Depan atau preposition adalah suatu kata yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan antara kata benda (noun) yang satu dengan katan benda atau pertalian dengan kata benda yang lainnya.
Contoh pengunaan Preposistion ataupun Kata Depan dalam kalimat, misalnya:
Contoh pengunaan Preposistion ataupun Kata Depan dalam kalimat, misalnya:
To artinya: Ke, kepada, sampai, dekat, untuk, dan lawan. misal
- we go to the zoo
- I accompany Anna to the door
- My house is at jalan PGA
- I have to come to school at 7 o'clock
- They are in the Classroom
- I shall go in May
- My book is on the table
- I shall arrive on September
- The leg of the table
- Iam glad of my work
- The plane will take off
- I am work off now
- We go to walk up the hill
- The bird flies up the roof
- Rice is eaten by me
- I go to School by a car
- Do it step by step
- I do it for you
- I am sorry fo my coming lste
- I have studied for 3 years
- Where did you come from
- I have this book from mya brother
- I go to Bandung with her
- She falls in love with me
- I come into the house
- She runs into the bus
- I stand under the tree
- He sleeps under the table
- They walk behind us
- His house is behind my house
- My house is near his house
- We went to picnic till Jakarta
- I have to stay here until next week
- They study after prayer
- Do not go before I come
- You can meet me before 10 o'clock
- I sit between Ali and Agus
- Anton runs between Ali and Andi
- He plays among the good players
- I sit among them
- I sit beside Agus
- He sleeps beside his parents
- I go to Bandung through Garut
- I can live without you
- You can go there without the bus
- I go to walk towards his house
- They will arrive towards afternoon
- The bird flies over the house
- The bell hang over the door
- The stars is above the clouds
- The plane flies above us
- I sit below the table29. Along artinya sepanjang. misal:
- He swims along the river
- We walk along this way.
Iitu sementara paparan kata depan atau preposition yang dapat Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris tulis untuk saat ini, mohon maaf apabila ada kesalahan, saran dan kritik yang membangun sangat diharapakan. semoga artikel bisa bermanfaat bagi semanya, amin